Red butts technique

The scene begins with the spanked standing at the right of the punisher. Make her take position on your lap by herself, or help her by grabbing her right wrist with your left hand and giving her a tug forward for making her fall in place. As very little effort is necessary to make her fall when her thighs hit yours, she will feel overpowered and dominated.
The spanked should rest with all her weight on the lap of the spanker. Depending on her height, her hands and feet can be on the air, or just touching the floor. If the spanked is a male, his penis should rest firmly on your thighs, pointing downward and to the left (unless his reaction to the scene precludes this).
Your left hand should rest on the small of the back of the spanked, or grabbing her waist. Your left elbow should rest higher on the spanked’s back, if possible between the shoulder blades, for pining her down. Even if we show the hands of the spanked hanging, probably the left hand will grab the leg of the chair for stability. If at any moment her right arm flies back for protection, grab it with your left hand and hold it at the waist or the small of her back.
If her hands become a problem, you could hold both of the punished hands on her back, after binding them is necessary.
If her legs try come up, a couple of hard slaps on the thighs should be all that is needed to bring them down fast.
The buttocks will be better presented if your right leg is a little higher than your left is, maybe resting your right toes on the floor and your heel on the leg of the chair. A box, a brick or a short piece of 2”x 4” wood under your right heel will help to your comfort if you plan to spank for a long time.
The position seems simple, but as you know if you have been spanked, the spanker is out of balance and with very little support, so it is difficult for her to get free of your hold, no matter how much she wriggles. She is actually almost defenseless.
Sometimes the position with the head hanging down makes the punished a little dizzy. Should this happen, modify the position making her upper body rest on another chair, or using a couch or the edge of a bed.
If the spanked is bigger or much stronger than the spanker, the position can be modified by making her rest on your left knee, trapping her legs with your right one. In this variation, the spanked should rest somewhat diagonally, with her head at the side of the chair, for improving her buttock’s positioning. It has a drawback (?), which is that the left hip of the punished will rub against very sensible parts of your anatomy.
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